Narduzzo blog

Another room transformed

Saturday’s blog was so popular we thought we would share another story of how a room was transformed on this Bank Holiday Monday. Once again we have 3 x galleries for you to see. (click to enlarge the images)

  1. The finished room

  2. Before the change

  3. During - some of the excellent work from our installation team

The finished room



If you like to see how we transform rooms our project pages have lots of examples showing you the before, during and after images along with descriptions of what the client wanted to achieve. Take a look

Transforming a room

We love to show people how we transform rooms. Here the pictures speak for the themselves. 3 x galleries for you to click and enlarge:

  1. The finished room

  2. Before the change

  3. During - some of the fantastic craftmanship from our installation team

The finished room



If you like to see how we transform rooms our project pages have lots of examples showing you the before, during and after images along with descriptions of what the client wanted to achieve. Take a look

Saving money on your cloakroom

Working on multiple rooms at the same time can save money. If you are thinking of having a bathroom or a kitchen designed and fitted by Narduzzo why not take a look around your home and check your cloakrooms / en-suites etc. Are they looking tired? - Get in touch today to see how we can transform all of them simultaneously. Here’s a lovely cloakroom.

Everything you could need in a bathroom

A bath, a shower, a large sink, and a view of the countryside!! - Could you ask for anything more in a bathroom. We are proud to show you this beautiful room.

Natural and bright

In this room the natural light from the window floods the light-coloured tiles and decor, resulting in such a light room. Get inspired today by visiting our 'projects area'

Combining Rooms

Many clients come to us with the hope of combining rooms to create social spaces fit for the whole family. Other clients simply want the kitchen to ‘flow’ through to the dining area. Our project pages illustrate many examples of kitchens we have designed and built. This kitchen flows beautifully from one room to the next. For the full story go here

A complex project

This was a complex project, trying to make the best use of space, lots of pipework to reroute and the challenge of sloping ceilings and areas of reduced ceiling height. Read more in our projects area where you can check the whole story.

Sloped ceilings

Sloped ceilings under the eaves of the roof can inhibit the space. However, we think that it brings character to a home and if designed well the room can feel much bigger. In this bathroom we have used all of the space to make a beautiful room.

(click to enlarge)

More fabulous rooms in our latest news section

Wonderfully large

In this bathroom everything is wonderfully large. Large mirror, large shower and large bath. What more could you want from a room? We love it.

(click to enlarge images)

Choosing the right products

Selecting the right kitchen units is so important to ensure you maximize the natural light that comes into a room. In this example, you can see how our designers helped the client choose the right products and paired them with their extensive knowledge to make this beautiful bright kitchen. Read the whole story here



Meeting the client brief

Another great example of how the design team at Narduzzo have met the client brief. In this room the client wanted to add a bath to the room whilst keeping a separate shower.

For the whole story and to the ‘behind the scenes’ of the build visit go here

Changing the room

This Easter Sunday why not consider a change in your home? Changing the use of a room is becoming increasingly popular with our clients as modern living styles demand more from our homes. On one of our ‘projects pages’ you can read how the team converted a bedroom into a bathroom.

Visit the projects page to see how it was transformed. You can see the original room, the computer generated designs as well as photographs of the final room.

Decorative Tiles

This shower room looks great with the mix of black and white along with the additional colour offered with the decorative tiles.

(Click to enlarge)

More great rooms can be seen in our latest news section.

En-suite under the eaves

In one of our project stories, you can read how we transformed this en-suite into a beautiful usable space and included a new shower as the client required.

Video walk-through

Another opportunity to look back at this walkthrough video taken by one of the Narduzzo team following the completion of a multi-room project. Bedroom, dressing room, and en-suite. - Simply beautifully crafted.


More great examples of multi-room projects in our news section.

Maximising usage of the room

We often move walls, remove walls or change door positions to maximise the usage of a room. Here is a great example of how it can make a huge difference. This room is one of our feature rooms in our ‘projects area’. You can read all about the client’s wishes and see what the Narduzzo did to make this wonderful room.

For the full story of the room take a look here

Behind the scenes look

Take a look at this wonderful room completed by the Narduzzo team last week. (see the video walkthrough we posted 2 days ago).
Here you can see the finished room and lots of images showing the transformation of the room.

Video - Finished room

Another finished room by the Narduzzo team.

Stay tuned on our blog page, Facebook and Twitter channels to see our installation team created this great space. Here is a short video walkthrough of this great room

Adding the personal touch to your room

We love to see our clients add their personalities to the final room. In this shower room, the clients have introduced their collection of sea shells and ornaments to the lit recesses. They work perfectly with the feature tiles. For more inspiration visit our 'projects' section on the website.

Great lighting design

Modern lighting can make a difference to the mood of a room. Following such a dark, wet and miserable week here in Wales, this kitchen is a fine example of how great lighting design can lift the mood in any home.

(click to enlarge)

Get in touch with our design team to chat about your next project